HW 2 - Loops and data structures

CS 161 Homework 2

Bart Massey and Disha Gandhi


Here's some problems to test your understanding and

All problems require computer programs: please place
each of these programs in a file with the name given in
square brackets.

Submit the assignment to the Moodle as a main text answering
any questions, and attach files containing the programs to
the assignment. You may submit the main text either as notes
or as a separate attachement. If you submit it as an
attachment, please send either a textfile, HTML or PDF: No
office document formats please, as they are sometimes hard
for us to open and read correctly.

  1. Computer Guess [guess.py]: Do Challenge Problem 4, p. 85
    of the text. However, instead of having the human choose
    a number between 1 and 100, have them choose a number
    between 1 and 10. Don't worry too much about having the
    computer guess well, as long as it works right for any
    number between 1 and 10. Here's a sample run from my

        Think of a number between 1 and 10, but don't tell me what it is.
    Then hit enter.

    Is it 5? [y/n]n
    Is your number higher or lower than 5? [h/l]l
    Is it 4? [y/n]n
    Is your number higher or lower than 4? [h/l]l
    Is it 3? [y/n]y
    I win!
  2. Collatz Hailstones [collatz.py]: Consider the following

        Start with some positive number n
    If n is 1, stop
    If n is odd, replace n with 3 * n + 1
    Otherwise (n is even), divide n by 2

    If you repeat this process a large number of times, you
    will get a sequence of numbers. For example, if you
    start with n = 3:

        3 is odd, so replace it with 3 * 3 + 1 = 10
    10 is even, so divide it by 2 to get 5
    5 is odd, so replace it with 16
    16 is even, so divide it by 2 to get 8
    8 is even, so divide it by 2 to get 4
    4 is even, so divide it by 2 to get 2
    2 is even, so divide it by 2 to get 1
    1 is 1, so stop

    This sequence 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 is called a "hailstone sequence". The Collatz conjecture is that for any positive number n the hailstone sequence eventually hits 1 and stops.

    Write a program that inputs a starting number n and
    produces the hailstone sequence starting after that
    number and running until n reaches 1. So, for example,
    for n = 3 the program should print:


    [Hint: To test whether a number x is odd, you can use
    the expression (x & 1 == 1). Ask an advanced computer
    science student or a tutor why this works if you care.]

    Now modify your program to not print the sequence;
    instead just print the number of steps the program took
    to reach 1 (i.e., the length of the sequence). For
    example, for n = 3 the program should print 7.

    Now put a loop around the program to show the length of
    the hailstone sequence for the numbers 2..20 without any
    human input.

  3. Letter Reuse [reuse.py]: Write a program that inputs a
    sentence. For each letter in that sentence, it should
    count how many times that letter appears. It should then
    output the most-frequently-used letter in that sentence,
    together with its count. If there's a tie for
    most-frequently-used, it should choose the one closest
    to the beginning of the alphabet.

    [HINTS: The function ord() converts an ASCII character
    to its integer code. The function chr() converts an
    integer code to its ASCII character. The lowercase
    letters have consecutive codes: ord('a') == 97,
    ord('b') == 98, and so on up to ord('z') == 122.
    The easiest way to build your program is to use a

    Here's an example run of my program:

        ? I found big bags of letter 'A's.
    a 2