Programming By Strengthening Of Invariants
Bart Massey 2013-11-07
- Misc notes
- Quiz
- Programming by strengthening of invariants
- In-class programming demo
Misc Notes
- Daily WTF CSOD is
- In-class quiz
Programming By Strengthening Of Invariants
Upon input, your routine may have complicated state
Messy parameters
Unknown global and module state
Idea: Program by successively handling messy side cases until you get to the main case
With each handled case, return from the routine
Within a case, use break and continue inside loops to get to return points
End result: Code that reads cleanly top-to-bottom, with each section performing a clear and useful function
Establishing Invariants
At the start of each handled case, indicate with a comment what is being handled and why
Implicitly (else explicitly) be able to give an account of invariants (things that must be true) after every statement
Invariants should get stronger and stronger, making the code easier and easier
- In-class demo of programming by strengthening invariants
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 November 2013, 11:10 PM