Proving Algorithms Correct
Proving Algorithms Correct
Bart Massey
What is a proof?
An argument designed to convince other people of a truth
- In particular, a structured argument
- Each step of reasoning so small as to be inarguable
- In other words, if I'm not sure it's a proof, it's not
Proofs are typically symbolic
- Except in geometry and a few other places
- Aids mechanical generation and evaluation
How do we prove an algorithm correct? We work from the pseudocode toward the problem statement.
An algorithm is correct if it returns the correct output for every valid input
The problem statement describes
- valid inputs
- correct outputs
The pseudocode describes what the algorithm returns as output for a given input
Why proof vs execution?
Because there are too many (in fact, infinite) possible executions: a proof can cover an arbitrary number of executions in a compact form.
However, if you can exhaustively prove what you need...
Proving sorting
Instance: A sequence s of elements drawn from a set S. A
total order q: SxS->B s.t. q is true when its
arguments are "in order".
Problem: Find a sequence t drawn from S s.t.
t in perm(s) and
forall i, j in 1..|S| . i < j => q (t[i], t[j])
To sort s:
for each permutation t of s
if t satisifies the definition of sorted
return t
To sort s:
t <- empty
while s is not empty
let i be the index of a minimum element of s
append s[i] to t
delete s[i] from s
Last modified: Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 3:46 PM