Trees and Balancing
Trees and Balancing
Bart Massey
Search Trees
- Nodes are labeled with ordered values
Idea: log time search, insertion, deletion
- Implements Dynamic-Set ADT
Must keep them balanced
- Lots of freedom: same ordered set is described by many search trees
- Invariants are enforced to limit that freedom
- Single rotation - pulls right subtree up and pushes left subtree down
- Double rotation - pulls some subtrees up, pushes others down
Keep height at each node, rotate to level: AVL trees
- Can get by with two bits if invariant is preserved
Keep heights within a factor of two: Red-Black trees
- One bit. Woohoo
Maintain heights implicitly: Splay trees
- Zero bits
Red-Black Trees
- Red children are siblings of black node
- Black nodes are roots of B-Trees
- Analogous to 234 trees
- Insertion
- Deletion
Last modified: Tuesday, 22 April 2014, 11:27 AM