TauNet Client Project - Final Delivery

TauNet Client Project - Final Delivery

Bart Massey
Draft 1 of 2015-11-23

Your TauNet client must be delivered no later than midnight Tuesday 8 December 2015. No late work will be accepted.

All work products must be checked into your GitHub repository. Specifically, your repository must have a tag of 'cs300-submit' on the 'master' branch: that is what will be cloned for grading. Sometime after the due date, we will clone your GitHub repository and grade what we find.

A list of the items to be delivered is as follows. All ".pdf" documents must be in PDF format: no other format will be accepted.

  • Software Requirements Specification: doc/SRS.pdf

  • Software Design Document: doc/SDD.pdf

  • Implementation: Whatever is there.

  • Build and Execution Instructions (Markdown or text): README.md or README.txt

  • Software Test Plan: doc/STP.pdf

  • Project Evaluation Report: doc/PER.pdf

These documents are not expected to be large or elaborate, and will be judged largely by reasonable effort. Each document and source file must contain a properly-formatted copyright notice asserting your copyright to the work, placed as early as possible in the file.

Your Project Evaluation Report should report on your project's success in passing tests, and indicate issues and concerns remaining in the project. In particular, please report on successful interactions your TauNet client has had with other students' and my clients.

The TA and I may inspect your Git history. Please make sure that you do not discard any history: it would be a bad idea to create a fresh repo late in the project, for instance.

Please keep in mind that the TA and I will be grading something close to 50 projects in a short time span. To a large extent we will be trusting you to do something reasonable and report reasonably on it. If things are not submitted the way we asked for, it will have a serious impact on your grade. If we investigate and find that things are not as you reported them, it will have a serious impact on your grade.

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 12:50 AM