Lecture 10-1
Software as a Human Activity
Lecture 10-1
Bart Massey 2015-11-30
Heads Up
Today we'll talk about software as a human activity
This is a bigger-picture topic
- SE is people (People!)
SE impacts society
SE Is People
Probably the single biggest lesson this course fails to teach
It is remarkable how much software is built in a year
- US: 2.5m jobs, $450b in 2012 SIAA study
Obviously, all of this is not built by well-trained geniuses
- Perhaps this is a good thing?
SE is about making it possible for ordinary people to build extraordinary programs
Overhead Is People
We try to reduce overhead and rework in SE
But people don't work like that
- People are social animals
- People plunge forward
Maybe better to just put hard stops where people will screw up, and then let them behave like people
Scrum In One Slide
Agile Method
c.f. Wikipedia
Roles: Product Owner, Developer, Scrum Master
Workflow: Series of 2-weekish Sprints
- Planning, Daily Stand-Ups, Review and Retrospective
- Planning Poker
Artifacts: Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Product Increment, Burn-Down Chart
Impacts Of Software
Captain Obvious checks in
Software is everywhere, creates its own ecosystem
- So think hard during requirements, design, risk analysis
Software is expensive
- Complex thing with lots of thought in it
- Not to be entered into lightly
- (The Internet is serious business)
Software is fragile
- No derating
- Terrible V&V
Unintended consequences
What You Can Do
Act ethically
Educate the public
Provide responsible review